sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

Pancreatic Cancer is not an spontaneous disease as cancer doctors led you to believe!

(NaturalNews) New research published in the journal Nature reveals that pancreatic cancer takes 20 years to grow to the point where it is diagnosed by conventional medical doctors. This was determined by sequencing the DNA of cancer tumor cells from deceased patients. Because cancer mutations occur in growing tumors at a known rate, scientists were able to map the timing of the development of full-blown pancreatic cancer tumors.

Here's what the scientists at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute found (and here's why this matters in a huge way to people interested in healthy living):

It takes 11.7 years for one mutation in a pancreas cell to grow into a "mature" pancreatic tumor (which might show up on a medical scan). • It takes another 6.8 years for the pancreatic tumor to spread and cause tumors to appear in other organs of the body.

In all, it takes about 20 years for a person to grow a cancer tumor and see it spread to the point where their doctor will diagnose them with pancreatic cancer.

In other words, by the time doctors diagnose you with cancer, you've already been growing it for two decades.

Here's why this matters

This is a huge story for five very important reasons:

Reason #1) The idea thrown around by cancer doctors that cancer is a "spontaneous disease" that strikes randomly and without warning is pure bunk. In order to "get" cancer, you actually have to GROW cancer for two decades! It doesn't just suddenly appear like magic.

Reason #2) When cancer doctors diagnose you with pancreatic cancer and say things like, "Good thing we caught it early!" they are full of bunk yet again. They didn't catch it early -- they caught it late! Almost 20 years too late.

Reason #3) If it takes 20 years to grow cancer tumors to the point where you get diagnosed with aggressive pancreatic cancer, then that means you have 20 years to change your lifestyle and stop the cancer!

That's the most important point of all, of course. In order to grow cancer tumors for 20 years, you have to feed the cancer for 20 years while keeping it alive. And how do you do that?

How to grow and feed a cancer tumor

First of all, to grow a cancer tumor, you need to eat lots of sugar. Liquid sugars are the best (soda, anyone?), but any form of refined sugar will do. You have to eat sugar daily if you really want to support cancer cell division and growth.

Next, you have to be vitamin D deficient for the entire 20 years. That's because vitamin D halts 77 percent of all cancers (including pancreatic cancer), and when combined with other nutrients like selenium, you can halt even more cancers. (http://www.naturalnews.com/021892.html)

If you combine vitamin D and selenium nutrition with other anti-cancer nutrients such as fresh vegetable juice (on a daily basis), omega-3 fatty acids, a wide variety of fresh fruits (including citrus and berries), and even red wine (rich with resveratrol), you will create an internal biological environment in which cancer tumors just can't grow at all. (http://www.naturalnews.com/023655_I...)

This is especially true if you pursue a more alkaline diet that's rich in vegetables and green foods rather than acidic substances such as sugar, fried foods and caffeine.

Combine all this with some regular exercise, good sleep, stress reduction habits and strict avoidance of cancer-causing chemicals, and you've got a recipe for blocking virtually all tumor growth in your body.

Cancer tumors simply cannot grow in an environment that's rich in plant-based nutrients and based on healthy, natural living.

So even if you have a wayward pancreatic cell that decides to mutate and try to become cancerous on its own, that cell will not have any long-term success in replicating inside your body because it's surrounded by healthy cells and bathed in anti-cancer nutrients carried to it each day in your blood!

Remember, your cells rely entirely on nutrients delivered by your blood, and if your blood is delivering anti-cancer nutrients each day, then "bad" cells will never be allowed to replicate and become cancer tumors.

Obviously, the composition of your blood is determined by what you eat. If you eat junk food, your blood will be junk blood, and it will deliver junk to your cells (cancer cells love junk!). If you eat healthy foods, you will have healthy blood, and cancer tumors will shrivel up and actually lose their blood supply then die. (Antiangiogenesis.) (http://www.naturalnews.com/001261_m...)

This is what this new research actually reveals: That pancreatic cancer takes two decades to develop inside your body, which naturally means you have two decades to change your health habits and stop growing cancer tumors in your body.

You may be growing cancer tumors right now... (but here's how to stop it)
If you've been pursuing a lifestyle of junk foods, processed foods, fried foods, excessive animal products and sun avoidance (you're not seriously still slapping sunscreen on your skin, are you?), then you are probably growing cancer tumors in your body right now. Almost as if you were trying to!

So you might be on year 10 of the 20-year cancer diagnosis plan. There's no way to know because cancer tumors don't show up diagnostic tests when they're only 10 years old (usually). But if you've been following a cancer-promoting lifestyle, you can rest assured you have micro tumors in your body that are just waiting for more sugar and less vitamin D in your blood in order to divide and grow even more.

So why not stop growing cancer tumors today? Start juicing! If you want to stop cancer in its tracks, buy yourself a high-end countertop juicing machine, go out and buy some organic produce on a regular basis, and start juicing away your cancer. (No kidding!)

Start consuming anti-cancer nutrients on a daily basis. Even a small amount of fresh kale, cabbage or broccoli juice (just one ounce) taken every day will have a powerful anti-cancer effect and may halt tumor growth in your body.

But just to be sure, blend and drink fresh citrus fruits, organic berries, and microalgae supplements on a regular basis. Read NaturalNews and learn about the latest breaking news on anti-cancer foods and supplements. Changing what you eat will dramatically alter what your body grows inside. Instead of growing cancer tumors, you can start growing healthy cells that will quickly overpower any diseased cells.

Steer clear of all synthetic chemicals

Of course, for all this to work, it is VITAL that you avoid all synthetic chemicals: Do not take pharmaceuticals; do not use conventional perfumes, skin lotions, shampoos or other personal care products; do not use conventional laundry detergents (they're filled with cancer-causing fragrance chemicals); do not use anti-bacterial soaps; do not cook on nonstick cookware; do not drink fluoride in your water... basically just get all the toxic chemicals out of your house and out of your life.

The bottom line to all this is the GREAT NEWS that you don't have to grow cancer tumors anymore! You can simply decide to stop growing cancer by changing the biochemical environment in which your cells live. Change the environment and you change the results. It's a simple matter of cause and effect.

So remember: Cancer is not random, nor is it genetic. It doesn't appear spontaneously, and in the case of pancreatic cancer, it actually takes two decades to grow it to the point where it gets noticed by cancer doctors!
That means you've got 20 years to make a change in your life. Why not start right now? (If you haven't already...)

Fact: Pancreatic survival rates have not changed in the last 40 years. Do you know why? Because conventional medical doctors wait until you've been growing cancer for 20 years to tell you that you have cancer. (Seriously. And they think they're running the most "advanced" medical system in the world.)

Wouldn't it make more sense to teach patients how to prevent cancer two decades earlier and thereby avoid growing it in the first place?

About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health researcher, author and award-winning journalist with a mission to teach personal and planetary health to the public He is a prolific writer and has published thousands of articles, interviews, reports and consumer guides, impacting the lives of millions of readers around the world who are experiencing phenomenal health benefits from reading his articles. Adams is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In mid 2010, Adams produced NaturalNews.TV, a natural health video sharing website offering user-generated videos on nutrition, green living, fitness and more. He's also a successful software entrepreneur, having founded a well known email marketing software company whose technology currently powers the NaturalNews email newsletters. Adams volunteers his time to serve as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and pursues hobbies such as martial arts, Capoeira, nature macrophotography and organic gardening. Known on the 'net as 'the Health Ranger,' Adams shares his ethics, mission statements and personal health statistics at www.HealthRanger.org

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